
This dream started with a humble idea to build a cabin on a hill. Over the years our ideas, budget, and capabilities grew, but at the heart of the project was a simple idea to have our own escape from the world.

We wanted small but didn’t want “tiny.” We started by figuring out which spaces in our home that we actually used. We didn’t downsize, but only included the ones we used. A rough computer model was first. Then a foundation, frame and through many changes, tweaks, and decision paralysis, Trillium Ridge gradually found its final form. We are proud to have done almost all of the work ourselves, with help from our generous friends.

We designed and built this cabin for us. We built it how we wanted and for our dreams.

Now, we’re happy to share it with guests and hope that you find the same comfort during your stay that we do.

We truly look forward to your stay.

Phillip and Kate